Reviewing Snow Ordinances and Fire Hydrant Clearing

It’s a good time for Beacon Falls residents to refresh themselves on the town ordinances involving snow and ice removal from their sidewalks, as well as rules about street parking during snowstorms. Here are the key details to remember:

  • Residents must clear snow and ice away from public sidewalks adjacent to their property in a timely manner after a snowstorm. The ordinance specifies this be done within 12 hours of the end of snow (after 7 a.m.).
  • Residents and private contractors may not clear snow from sidewalks or driveways into a public street.
  • Residents cannot park on public streets for more than one hour while town workers are clearing snow.

You can read the full town ordinances and violation consequences about both situations below or by clicking here.

If you have a fire hydrant near your property, we need you to help us out by clearing away the snow and ice (3 feet on all sides, including a path to the road). This could make all the difference in us being able to save life and property in case of a fire in your neighborhood, since we’ll be able to get right to the hydrant instead of needing to dig it out first. Check out this graphic for an example of what we mean.

hydrant clearing

If the hydrant is located in an area that makes it unsafe for you to clear, please contact us and let us know the exact location of the hydrant so we can come take care of it.

As always, thanks to all residents for great cooperation and safety.

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