Christmas Tree Sales, Bring Santa Home and More Holiday Fun

Update: Thanks for your support!

The Christmas season is one of our favorite times of year at Beacon Hose, and the department has its usual set of exciting Christmas activities planned throughout December. They include the town’s Christmas tree lighting, Beacon Hose’s children’s Christmas party, Bring Santa Home, the first Meat-o Wine-o event, a Christmas lunch and the department’s Christmas tree sales.

First on the list will be the Beacon Hose Children’s Christmas Party, which will be held Sunday, Dec. 7 at noon at the firehouse. All Beacon Hose members are welcome to attend, and the children of Beacon Hose members — those up to and including fifth-graders — will receive gifts from Santa Claus.

A video game truck will be at the firehouse from noon until 2 p.m., and a magic show will begin at 12:30 p.m. All members wishing to attend should RSVP to Karen Bulinski — — or Kathy Kelly — — by Thanksgiving. If your child is in the eligible age groups, please let Karen or Kathy know your children’s age, gender and a few gift suggestions. Dessert donations would be appreciated!

Next up will be the Christmas Tree Lighting and Bonfire, which will begin Sunday, Dec. 7 at 4 p.m. (Note: The event was originally scheduled for Saturday evening, but a poor forecast encouraged it to be rescheduled.) The procession around the Hill section of town will stop at various landmarks for Christmas lightings and caroling. The first stop will be at Town Hall, followed by St. Michael’s Church, the Beacon Falls Congregational Church and the Tracy Lewis House. At the Lewis House, Beacon Hose will start a bonfire with free hot chocolate, coffee and hot dogs. There will also be a hayride.

Next is the Bring Santa Home campaign. On Saturday, Dec. 13, Santa Claus will be visiting families throughout town on a firetruck. Parents interested in having Santa visit their house should contact event organizers Ray and Alice Buzgo — — by Dec. 12 with a contact name, address and telephone number. All the information about this year’s program can be found on the flyer below. Plus, you can see pictures from Santa’s stops last year by clicking here.

Then, Beacon Hose will host its first Meat-o Wine-o event Dec. 13 at the Beacon Falls Senior Center from 7-9:30 p.m. The admission fee is $5, which includes a drink ticket and appetizers. Pay to play games of chance to win something special to serve at your holiday table — including turkeys, hams, rib roasts, pork roasts, clams, scallops, shrimp, lobster, wine and beer. The event is open to those ages 21 and over.

Beacon Hose also has a Christmas lunch planned for Dec. 19 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The cost is $7 per person and the lunch includes chicken noodle soup, cheeseburgers, potato salad and dessert. Please RSVP to Gretchen — or (203) 729-1470 — by Dec. 16. All are welcome!

Finally, Beacon Hose’s annual Christmas Tree Sale will be held at the firehouse during the four weekends between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Fresh, high-quality Christmas trees will be available at the firehouse on Nov. 29-30, Dec. 6-7, Dec. 13-14 and Dec. 20-21. Sales will run each day from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.

Trees cost $40 each, and customers can either pick their own trees by stopping by the firehouse or call the firehouse at (203) 729-1470 to arrange for free delivery (for Beacon Falls residents). Beacon Hose will also have brand-new Christmas ornaments for purchase at $10 each.

Update (Dec. 13): We have sold out of our stock of Christmas trees this year. We apologize for any inconvenience, but thanks to everyone who purchased a tree and helped us sell out after only five days!

For more information on any of Beacon Hose’s upcoming Christmas events, feel free to drop us a line. Beacon Hose wishes you and yours a very merry Christmas and a joyous holiday season!

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