Happy New Year! We at Beacon Hose wish all of our members and supporters the very best success, health and wealth in 2016.
Here is a message from Chief Jim Trzaski, a message that reflects both the department and our supporters.
It is hard for me to express how impressed, inspired, sometimes surprised and, most importantly, thankful I am of all of our members. I have always been proud to be a member of our great company, but I am even prouder and more humbled to be leading an organization of great, dedicated people.
I know oftentimes we struggle with balancing the time commitments that our placed on our membership. At any given time during our careers, our lives change and we have higher priorities that consume our time. At Beacon Hose, we understand those obligations. Please, always remember: family first.
We had a very successful year. We increased our membership to the point that we have more than a dozen members who have proven to be very active. We started a junior corps that has a dozen members with great enthusiasm and commitment. I have enjoyed our partnerships with other service organizations in town. This type of involvement has allowed Beacon Hose great opportunities to communicate our mission of public safety and community service.
We have seen great improvements in communication to membership and the public with what I believe is the best website and Facebook page of any fire department. Our message has traveled far beyond the borders of Beacon Falls and Connecticut. Getting our message to the public has had an enormous impact on the success of our fundraisers and our public perception.
The special events committee has been tremendously busy with fundraisers, including meals and other fun ideas. A lot of time and effort has been given by many members. All of our events have been successes, fun and showcased our department in a classy, professional manner.
I’m sure 2016 will present us with new challenges. I am confident that our members, with their knowledge, skills and abilities, will mitigate those challenges swiftly and successfully. I am excited to start a new year with everyone’s involvement continuing to improve our department with training, equipment and manpower.
All of the accomplishments we have attained were not earned by any one person; it has always been and will continue to be a team of members working toward our common mission of protecting life and property by providing effective fire suppression and prevention, medical care and rescue services.
We wish all of our members, their families and all of our supports a very happy and healthy new year!
– Chief Jim Trzaski