The Beacon Hose Blaze newsletter for December 2014 highlights Chief Jim Trzaski’s messages about the importance of preparedness for all Beacon Hose members. Read Chief’s message and the entire newsletter below, or click here.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed much-needed time with family. I am personally thankful to all of you for dedicating your time, skills and abilities to our residents.
Beacon Hose Co. No. 1 members have always shown commitment to Beacon Falls residents, and this year was no exception. From responding to incidents, fundraising, fire prevention activities, sponsoring families during their times of need and more, our members display commitment, care and professionalism. Thank you!
This time of the year proves to be busy, fun and rewarding. As we prepare for the Christmas season and the beginning of a new year, we find ourselves occupied with preparing almost every day — preparing lists for shopping, preparing our schedules of gatherings and fun, preparing for dinners and parties. Emergency services personnel spend the majority of our time preparing for the response.
Although our call load is not overwhelming, some of the incidents we have responded to have created some challenges. It is our responsibility to prepare for these challenges. So what can we do to prepare?
First and foremost, are you prepared mentally and physically to respond safely to incidents? Have you taken the department physical? Have you completed your annual fit test? Have you attended training on a constant basis to keep your skills sharp? Have you gone to a truck check night to inspect and familiarize yourself with equipment? Is our equipment prepared for the response? Our equipment must always be in the ready mode. Equipment operational checks are key components to a successful outcome of any incident. Equipment inventories and check lists are being updated and are available in the dispatch room. Stop down on the fourth Monday of each month and participate in a vehicle check and get familiar with the equipment.
Preparing for the response also includes our knowledge, skills and abilities. We take Firefighter I or EMT courses during our first year as a requirement. Have you attended any classes or training beyond your initial training? There are endless training opportunities available through out the state. Beacon Hose Co. No. 1 will pay for your training and supply transportation as needed. Please make an effort to enhance your knowledge by attending a course and by attending our monthly training on the second Monday of each month.
On behalf of all the officers of Beacon Hose Co. No. 1, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
– Chief Jim Trzaski