Beacon Hose wants to remind all of our residents that Fire Prevention Week is this Oct. 8-14! This year’s theme is “Cooking Safety Starts with You! Pay Attention to Fire Prevention” — we recommend looking at this great tip sheet about cooking safety!
Not only will Beacon Hose visit Laurel Ledge Elementary School and United Day during Fire Prevention Week, but we invite everyone to join Operation EDITH on Thursday, Oct. 12!
Operation EDITH stands for “Exit Drills in the Home” and is intended to help families practice their home fire escape plans. All you need to do to participate is wait until Beacon Hose’s fire whistle sounds at 6 p.m., practice your home fire escape plan as a family, and wait outside at your meeting place. Beacon Hose’s firetrucks will be driving through many neighborhoods to see how many families have a secure plan and practiced it with us.
Continue reading BHC’s Fire Prevention Week Includes Operation EDITH on Oct. 12