Category Archives: BHC News

Help Beacon Hose with our Adopt-a-Hydrant Contest

Update: Thanks for your support!

We need to clear fire hydrants around town after the latest snowstorm this week — you know, the one that was bigger than the fearsome blizzard — so we have started a new Adopt-a-Hydrant contest here in Beacon Falls.

If you have a fire hydrant near your property, we need you to help us out by clearing away the snow and ice (3 feet on all sides, including a path to the road). This could make all the difference in us being able to save life and property in case of a fire in your neighborhood. If you can do that for us, here’s how to enter the contest:

Continue reading Help Beacon Hose with our Adopt-a-Hydrant Contest

Year In Review: 2014 a Time of Challenge, Change for BHC

In lieu of a monthly newsletter, Beacon Hose Chief Jim Trzaski penned a year-in-review piece to recap everything that our department faced in 2014 and what’s to come in 2015. Here’s his message:

As we look forward to a new year, oftentimes we look back and reflect on the year that has past. For Beacon Hose Co. No. 1, 2014 was a time of challenge and change. Our members responded to the call again and again with the resourcefulness, passion and professionalism that defines our organization.

Continue reading Year In Review: 2014 a Time of Challenge, Change for BHC

Beacon Hose’s Top Five Pictures of 2014

Beacon Hose celebrated the end of 2014 by choosing our top five photos of the year. Here are the five we selected, in chronological order, as posted on our Facebook page.

First up is what we like to call “A (Migs) Smiley For A (Fried Dough) Smiley.” Beacon Hose 2nd Lt. John Mis was behind the fried dough station at this year’s carnival and cooked up a little something special for a lucky carnival-goer!


Continue reading Beacon Hose’s Top Five Pictures of 2014